Оригинал взят у captainlon в Vancouver 2011: Filming Locations (HQ)
Here's some of my photos from the two days me and my buddies spent around the filming locations for 7x05.
Set photos of the cast, crew, locations, cars, surroundings as well as from the night they thanked the fans.

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I'd say it's pretty obviously you need to click on the photos. They're HQ (YAY)!

Let's start off with some photos of the lady herself. The small grey car beside the Impala is Charisma Carpenter's characters car in the episode.

On tuesday we found the place where all the lunch and trailers was located. During the times we were there we met Charisma Carpenter (Who said she'd come out after she ate), James Masters (Who we managed to get a hold on before he went off to location), Cliff (came over to talk a little as well as collect some ducks).

We spotted James the following day as well as Jensen himself. Jared was napping in the trailer though. The last photo is the result of our parking when we spotted James while driving lol

We spent hours on the actual location on tuesday and since they were filming inside it was really limited how interesting everything was after a few hours lol. So I decided to take use of the good weather and snap some shots of our surroundings. We spotted a black squirrel running over the road too. The cute little dog is one of the crew member's and is named Thor. Just the cutest little thing.

And some snaps of the location, the guys, Phil Sgriccia, crew etc on tuesday and wednesday

These photos are from wednesday evening when they filmed outside. Quite difficult to take photos in the dark though, but got some good ones. First one is Charisma (in the back) on set.

The first one is blurry, but it's Jensen running. You can a tired Jared leaning on a car too.

The cast and crew thanking us

Hope you like them and let me know what you think!! =)
Please respect the copyright <3