18.10.2011 в 15:41
Пишет  капитан треники:

не времени собирать пикспам, но вторник же! перепост прекрасного!)

18.10.2011 в 13:57
Пишет  Merqury Spy:

Пост обожания *_*
Нагло сперто с тумблера, конечно.
Подпишусь под каждым словом. А вообще, фотки понравились.
James McAvoy ~ a Scottish Vacuum of Charm
Why are you so hot James? I just can’t let my eyes off of you even for a while. When you talk, when you look and stare, when you made those funny/weirdo expression, when you laughing out loud about something ~ all of it makes me head over heels with you ….
Anyway, don’t you all feelin’ the same way with me? You fell in love every time you look at him. If you don’t, then you should take a look at this compilation of James’s charm that emerges on his face.
First is definitely my favorite. He looks very handsome! His hair style, his expression, his blue eyes … his beard … oh, James really make my knee shakin’.

The second one is when James attended a Narnia event in Barnes and Nobles. His face when he read a book … such a gem! Any kind of book would be a great deal if James read it to me like that …

The third one, is when James attended “The Last King of Scotland” press conference. James look like a motor-biker, rather than an actor. Very manly! So gorgeous! I love his hairstyle also (but James do really look good in almost every kind of hairstyle).

And the last one is, when James came in as a guest in an interview show. James was very funny and expressive back then. His “Scottish vacuum of charm” really really shows.

So, do you all agree with me? James McAvoy is totally a real living example for what they called a “Scottish vacuum of charm” ~ a handsome and talented man! Oh, James … I really am, a big fan of you!

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